Discover How You Can Connect with Apostle Dwann for Apostolic Covering

I am honored that you have found this site. I don't think you are here by accident. I believe God has ordained you to stop by so that you can move forward confidently in your next step knowing you have a secure covenant connection with someone who has your best interest at heart. 

I love covering and releasing Prophets both Church & Marketplace and yes, Apostles, Bishops & Pastors there's a place for you here as well. 

Your apostolic and prophetic mandate is important to God and to me. If you're ready to move forward hand in hand obeying God together, I would love to speak with you about your needs and your ministry needs as well. Peruse the Apostolic Covering Options below and rest-assured knowing help is here for you. 

As with any organization, there are rules and regulations regarding how we choose to HONOR and RESPECT each other moving forward. I truly believe to whom much is given, much is required and that's how I operate daily. No hidden agendas! No games! 

Just a desire to move forward doing what I know God has called me to do in such a way that it brings HONOR and GLORY to Him, the Kingdom, those I serve and those I represent. 


Honored to Serve,

Apostle Dwann Holmes Rollinson

Founder, Global Institute of Church & Marketplace Prophets (GICMP)

New Era Apostleship Restitution (NEAR) High Council Apostle 


For Your Church or Ministry – You need covering for yourself and your church and a trusted advisor monthly whom you can rely on for the TRUTH in Love and to challenge you to GO the ULTIMATE LEVEL GOD created you for

For Your Business - You need covering for yourself and your small business and a trusted advisor monthly whom you can rely on for MARKETPLACE TRUTH in Love and to challenge you to GO the ULTIMATE LEVEL GOD created you for

As Entrepreneur – You need a TRUSTED ADVISOR you can speak to monthly regarding your goals, visions, successes, failures and NEXT- STEPS. You also need regular Kingdom Confirmation regarding the strategies being released to you. 

As Prophetic Minister - You need a TRUSTED APOSTLE & ADVISOR you can speak to monthly regarding your goals, visions, successes, failures and NEXT- STEPS. You also need regular Kingdom Confirmation regarding the strategies being released to you regarding your ministry. 

Spiritual Foster Care - You need a place to REST and REFUEL without feeling like you’re going to be thrown into ministry. You just want to be healed, delivered and nurtured to a place of recovery so that you won’t be afraid to walk in your purpose or connect with those God has called you to connect to. THIS MAY BE FOR 3 MONTHS or even 3 years, but while God is working on you, you are ready to be fostered back to a good place in God. 

Spiritual Adoption – You’re tired of running and not exactly sure how you got here. You have no true Apostolic Covering and you really want more than FOSTER –CARE provider you truly want to be ADOPTED and ENGRAFTED into a TRIBE. You’re ready to commit, submit and PARK where God has you, so that you can be healed, whole and released into destiny. 


Partner With Apostle Dwann To Reach The World TODAY!

Apostle Dwann is on an Apostolic Mission to rid Prophetic Ministry of the Perversion that exists. She does this via teaching and mentoring prophets around the world. 

From prophetic teaching tours that she hosts, to traveling around the world Apostle Dwann is committed to the mandate God has given her to EDUCATE prophets and providing safe havens for Prophets to come and be blessed.

Yearly this takes place at Prophetic Convocation every September vai the last weekend of the month from that (Thursday - Sunday) in Jacksonville, Florida and via Prophetic Prayer Explosion every 3rd Saturday in December. (Watch Video)

Currently she has re-ignited the FLAME for FRIDAY NIGHT FIRE focusing on SIGNS, WONDERS & MIRACLES. During 2017 this Prophetic Miracle Worship Experience is coming to a city near you. 

Plus, Apostle Dwann uses all aspects of media to connect with those she is called to train, raise and mentor. If you desire to connect in covenant as an Apostolic Soldier of Finance montly please choose one of the options below. Peruse one of the issues of THE PROPHETIC VOICE, a quarterly magazine produced at all major events hosted by Apostle Dwann. Also be on the look out for THE PROPHETIC VOICE - TV BROADCAST coming to a station near you in 2017!

If you have a HEART to help Apostle Dwann with her DIVINE MEDIA MANDATE you may SOW a (1) time seed or PARTNER with her monthly to REACH the MASSES

CLICK on the Magazines to READ current issues of THE PROPHETIC VOICE. Go here to Become A Sponsor!

To sow into the MINISTRY of Apostle Dwann you may TEXT TO GIVE by texting word GIVE to 904-602-8008 then once prompted pick your own amount and use key word ApostleDwann. Or give via